Young Artists Poetry and Art Competition

Phoenix Chamber Choir is looking for art and poetry from children and youth to showcase at our April 22nd, 2021, Earth Day concert, Earth Songs


Let’s show Mother Nature some love!

Celebrate the beauty of nature: the elements, the seasons, plants, animals, or landforms. Get creative and share your inspirations through any 2D or 3D visual art using the medium of your choice. Spoken word submissions can be in the poetic form of your choice, but must be no longer than 1 minute in length when read aloud.

Visual Art should be photographed and Poetry submissions should be read on video**, then your files are to be emailed along with your name, age, the title of your piece, and your inspiration

Submission are due by Fri, March 12th to

Submissions will be grouped into 4 categories by age: 0-5 years, 6-10 years, 10 – 14 years, and 15-18 years, and judged based on the following elements of artistic expression:

1. Interpretation and the clarity of the theme to the viewer.

2. Creativity and originality of the depicted theme.

3. Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme.

4. Overall impression of the art. What is the effect of the artwork in general and as a whole? Overall, does the artwork stand on its own as a complete and outstanding work of art?

Winning submissions will be notified by
Friday, March 26th


There will be 3 top prizes in each category for visual art and 5 overall prizes for poetry, which will include your artwork being featured at the Earth Songs concert as well as a social media feature for each category, and a free ticket to the concert for you and your family.

All submissions will be featured on our website.

**If you’re submitting a video, please consider reading our Phoenix Video Tips document! (This was created for singers, but the same concepts apply for spoken word submissions)

Stacey Rose

Stacey Rose is a Baritone in Lions Gate Chorus, the 2020 International Silver Medalists. She is also the Marketing Coordinator for both Lions Gate Chorus and Region 26 Sweet Adelines.

Stacey is a freelance designer for print & web and offers copywriting and content writing services.


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