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Phoenix Chamber Choir is a registered non-profit organization
Charitable Registration # 889906392 RR0001
© Phoenix Choir | VanWebDesigns
Completed in celebration of our 30th Anniversary, welcome to a stroll down memory lane as we revisit each year of Phoenix history from our beginnings in 1983 to 2013
Through its long history, Phoenix has been grand winner and three-time finalist in the European Broadcasting Union’s “Let the Peoples Sing” competition, and winner of 20 first place and grand prize awards at the National Competition for Canadian Amateur Choirs, including two first place prizes and the grand prize for best performance of a Canadian work in the 2015 competition.
National Competition for Canadian Amateur Choirs
(formerly the CBC National Choral competition)
European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Let the Peoples Sing Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Let the Peoples Sing Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Let the Peoples Sing Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Let the Peoples Sing Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Let the Peoples Sing Competition
CBC National Choral Competition
CBC National Choral Competition